do you think i shhould.....about The Guy

I'm Happy

I'm Happy
i happy cant you tell by my red bloodshot eyes, i'm so fucken happy just take a look at my wrest. <3 i love you for ever and ever baby.. i'm just waiting for you to love me to..because i sooooo fucken messed up without you, i've never been so happy :'(

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hey long time no talk

Hey ok so i know i haven't been on here for a while and so much new stuff has happened, and soo much new crap has happened to, man everthing is fucked rigtht now! ok so ghuy number 1 ill call him baby, because hes little, guy number 2 i'll call bod, because he has a great body like wow batman hottness rigtht ok. so baby and me were so tight, we passed notes all the time then in a nnote he told me he liked me, i was like awesome i like you to, so then he said that we should go swimming oneday this week i said ok wensady good for you he said yup, so this went on we made pland i had to cancle he was pissed, we made plans agin, anyway the point is we kept on making plans like i think its up to at least 20 times now and some how everytime the plans get cancled by me mostly which sucks because he kept getting pissed at me, so now its all werid with this guy, and he keeps on trying to make plans with me, but he barrly talks to me at shool untill today. you see last night i went swimming with a bunch of guys not him but there were like 7 other guys there, and baby knows that, and just today now hes been back talking to me, and asking to hang out at lunch in stuff which i think is hillarius, he a werid one case he'll flirt in my face with other girls but then turns around and is all lke swiming this weekend, so now i have plans to go this sater at 6 30 with him i hope i can make it or he'll get so pissed, but now there's bod and he was swimming yesterday, and he is soo cute and i'm pretty sure i like bod better than baby, case baby is a baby, and bod, wow nice body, and awesome personality hes so nice to me and he just holds me which is really nice i love it! so now it cocmes down to me juggling these boys untill i can see who i like better, and who like's me better, and treats me the nicest, you see on saterday i'm going invite bod to come swimming with me and baby so i can see them next to eachother and see who i'll go for, it should be intersting, cause i'm not really sure i like eather of them lol wooooooooow this will be fun, and this is the longest thing i have ever wrote, so i hope you made it throuth the hole thing :) bye i'll come back here on tuesday and tell you all what ended up happening at the it going to be baby.................or is it going to be bod..............or nether haha stay tuned

This is for my Friend, you gotta move on

This is for my Friend, you gotta move on