do you think i shhould.....about The Guy

I'm Happy

I'm Happy
i happy cant you tell by my red bloodshot eyes, i'm so fucken happy just take a look at my wrest. <3 i love you for ever and ever baby.. i'm just waiting for you to love me to..because i sooooo fucken messed up without you, i've never been so happy :'(

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

i'm a walkng suicid

'm a walking suicide but you'd never know cause' I hide I got too much pride to show my depression I think about dying everyday but never say anything cause' people will stop me rob me from succeeding in my goal.
I fold my letter up saying how sorry I am for being a disappointment to my family and you'll be better without me.
You'd never think little baby girl would try something so bold didn't know that the mold you made her in turned it's grin and that hell really existed in her eyes and she cries for god to please just let me die and be free from the reality she's facing!! I'm a walking suicide


Hey comment here on my pics, or anything you wanna say, talk about i dont really care just do whatever and be happy, so at least one of us can be, so ya comment here on whatever the hell you want.

My poll

Put your other choice in here

The guy

hey ok so i really like this guy hes 15 and tall with dark hair, his eyes are awesome, and hes really funny. what should i do becuase, i like him he likes me but i think we should wait to date cause i think we might achly have somthing but i dont want to waist it since were only 15

My weekend

OK so this weekend i was walking to vancover, then these nice people pulled over just for and said they can give me a ride, i said ok. so while we were driving to vancover the roads were so bad and very slippery, next thing i know the car ran off the road flinging everywhere, the driver died, his monkey too, so i started walking back home, it was soo cold, then finally i got home, then i went to bed, got up at 7 got ready for school and here i am today lmao o ya

Which comes first?

The chicken or the egg?

This is for my Friend, you gotta move on

This is for my Friend, you gotta move on