do you think i shhould.....about The Guy

I'm Happy

I'm Happy
i happy cant you tell by my red bloodshot eyes, i'm so fucken happy just take a look at my wrest. <3 i love you for ever and ever baby.. i'm just waiting for you to love me to..because i sooooo fucken messed up without you, i've never been so happy :'(

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

i'm a walkng suicid

'm a walking suicide but you'd never know cause' I hide I got too much pride to show my depression I think about dying everyday but never say anything cause' people will stop me rob me from succeeding in my goal.
I fold my letter up saying how sorry I am for being a disappointment to my family and you'll be better without me.
You'd never think little baby girl would try something so bold didn't know that the mold you made her in turned it's grin and that hell really existed in her eyes and she cries for god to please just let me die and be free from the reality she's facing!! I'm a walking suicide


  1. It seems like both you and me are becoming emo... well if you want a know how to be emo here are da steps :
    There are not many rules of being an emo and if you are looking for guide on how to be an emo, you can take help of the tips on emo fashion.

    1. One of the most significant parts of emo culture is the hoodies. Well, the hoodies shouldn’t be like normal hoodies that people wear. Band hoodies are best choice. Hoodies with stars, skull, or some cute designs on them are preferred. However, you can opt for emo-approved clothing companies for more options and have some good collections for your wardrobe.
    2. Normally, skinny, tight jeans are best choice for your emo look. Though there is no hard and fast rule to wear those tight pants, if you want to go with the trends you need to follow the typical styles of the fashion. Earlier, boys used to wear girls’ jeans. But, the changing fashion of the day allows them to feel free with boy jeans. However, make sure that the pants don’t hang off your ass.
    3. If you want to adore yourself with one of the excellent emo-fashion accessories, you can opt for fingerless gloves. They not only look cool, but also add to the typical characteristics of emo. You can select them with strips, designs or without any design on them. Apart from being fashionable, the gloves will help you keep your hands warmer in winter.
    4. Scarves are the significant characteristic of emo fashion. No one knows the answer why scarves are so special for fashion frenzy emo boys and girls. But, they make a good match with emo fashion. Thin, long, single-colored or strips, light weight scarves are good. You can also go for knitted or crocheted scarves.How to Be an Emo
    5. Typically, emo fashion supports simple and flat shoes. Shoes from Converse or Van are perfect choice. There are many options for emo girls such as cute buckle shoes, combat boots, etc. However, make sure you shoes match your dresses.
    6. Makeup is an integral part of your emo look and you are half your way with following the emo fashion if your make up is not that of a typical emo. For girls, black eyeliner is important. You can also pick eye shadows matching your outfit. Lipgloses are better options than lipsticks. Nail polish color matching your outfit is acceptable, but black nail polish is better. Boys can wear black eyeliner but it should be made smudged and boys don’t need to put on eyeshadows. Although boys can go without lipsticks, black nailpolish adds to their emo look.
    7. When it comes to emo accessories, they are optional. Necklaces are good choice but try to avoid flamboyant look. Girls can use tote bags and both boys and girls can use messenger bags. However, boys can use any regular bag. Body piercing is a good option.

    you don't have to become emo but if you are here is how to...

  2. haha i never thought of it but ya krysta me and you are turning emo man this is werid, just no cutting unless ni.........uhhhhhh the guy you like lol dies, dissis you to your face(never happen, or if your just so sad life doesnt even matter, cauze you cant have him other than that no self harm

  3. okay thanks but you can you do me a favour and not say my name in anything please

  4. okay well I hope that things can change and we canbecome un emo I hope thatwe will both end up happy and end up with someone who loves us for us and not just leave us in the dust behind them becuase we are not "cool" i hope that we will be happy soon and happy forever!

  5. ya i really hope we can both start being happy in the very near futer i'm i sick of being sad with out a guy, i'm gonna do something about c***** because i care, and i need an up lift in my life. you should do something about N***


This is for my Friend, you gotta move on

This is for my Friend, you gotta move on